Category Display: Aebersold Vocal Books

Featuring Aebersold Play-a-Long titles designed specifically for singers - including in-line lyrics, singers' keys, and appropriately sensitive rhythm section accompaniments recorded with the vocalist in mind.

Additional Suggested Categories:

 • Aebersold Holiday Play-a-longs  • Pocket Books  • Aebersold Bass Books  • Aebersold Drum Books  • Aebersold DVD & Video  • Aebersold Guitar Books  • Aebersold Improvisation Methods and Resources  • Aebersold Piano Books  • Aebersold Solos and Transcriptions  • Aebersold Vocal Books  • Horace Silver Compilation
3 products found in Aebersold Vocal Books.
best seller

Was: $19.95
Sale: $17.95
best seller

Was: $19.95
Sale: $18.95

Was: $21.95
Sale: $19.76