The Complete Idiot's Guide to Guitar Exercises






Product Code: CIG-GE
Author: Hemme Luttjeboer
Publisher: Alfred Publishing
Series: The Complete Idiot's Guide
ISBN-13: 9781592579723
ISBN-10: 1592579728
Publisher SKU: 74-1592579723
UPC-A: 9781592579723

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Guitar Exercises will help new and experienced guitarists take their playing to the next level. Build strength, endurance, dexterity, and technique with a wide variety of exercises including single note, string-to-string, major and minor scales, harmonic and melodic minor scales, major and minor pentatonic and blues scales, chord progression exercises, and melodic patterns. Bonus chapters cover fingerpicking, fingerstyle blues, and Travis picking. Exercises are written in both TAB and standard notation. The accompanying audio CD features over 150 examples of the exercises featured in the book.
