Chop Monster Series 1 for 4th Trumpet






Product Code: CM-TP4
Author: Shelly Berg
Publisher: Alfred Publishing
Series: Chop Monster Series 1
ISBN-13: 9780739031155
ISBN-10: 0-7390-2933-9
Publisher SKU: 00-251559
UPC-A: 038081212449

by Shelly Berg

A new jazz language tutor that teaches young players how to improvise in an ensemble setting while enjoying every minute. New concepts are easily covered in 10-15 minutes utilizing a "call and response" CD (sold separately for $9.95). Special challenge sections are provided for advanced students. In addition, the student books include two correlated jazz ensemble charts with open solo sections ideal for performance. Level 1 is designed for junior high. The Complete Set includes the books, the score, and CD.

See "related items" below for information on more Chop Monster products.