


Product Code: HFB
Publisher: Hal Leonard
ISBN-13: 9780634010439
ISBN-10: 634010433
Publisher SKU: 240145
UPC-A: 73999567359

An indispensable collection of nearly 1000 multi-denominational hymns perfect for church musicians or hobbyists. Songs include: Abide with Me * All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name * Amazing Grace * Battle Hymn of the Republic * Be Thou My Vision * Christ the Lord Is Risen Today * Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing * Crown Him with Many Crowns * Fairest Lord Jesus * Faith of Our Fathers * For the Beauty of the Earth * Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah * How Firm a Foundation * It Is Well with My Soul * Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross * Lead On O King Eternal * Love Divine All Loves Excelling * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less * O Come All Ye Faithful * O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing * O Sacred Head Now Wounded * O Worship the King * The Old Rugged Cross * Praise to the Lord the Almighty * Rejoice the Lord Is King * Take My Life and Let It Be * There Is Power in the Blood * To God Be the Glory * What a Friend We Have in Jesus * and hundreds more]