Anyone Can Improvise. Too many people have never considered improvising on their instrument because theyve been Chained to the Written Page. You think you can only play music when you have a music stand with some written music on it. Thats not true.
All you have to do to get started is try something as simple as playing Mary Had A Little Lamb starting on any note, maybe D concert. I think youll be surprised how quickly you can play simple nursery rhymes. After a little success, I encourage you to move ahead and try to play songs youve heard on records, radio, TV, etc. Check out my Volume 1 book/2CD set How To Play Jazz and Improvise. Have fun. No need to be stuck to the written page!
Jamey Aebersold
For all instrumentalists and vocalists. CDs contain 30 extended tracks of recorded background. Great primer for learning basic skills in major and minor keys. Advanced players will want to work on "double-timing", playing "outside" and "side-slipping" in all keys at comfortable tempos. Special tracks have Jamey Aebersold playing various exercises and soloing on his saxophone with actual cuts from Volume 24 so you can hear and see how to use this set. All exercises and sax solos on the demo tracks are transcribed and written out in the book! Pick a different key each day/week/practice.
Rhythm Section: J. Aebersold (p); John Goldsby (b); Charlie Craig (d)