Aebersold Play-a-long VOL. 97 - STANDARDS WITH STRINGS
Book/CD $17.90$11.64
Product Code: V97DS
I Cover The Waterfront
Fools Rush In
You Go To My Head
September In The Rain
You're My Everything
You And The Night And The Music
Autumn In New York
When Your Lover Has Gone
Namely You
Lover, Come Back To Me
Rhythm Section: Steve Allee (p); Tyrone Wheeler (b); Steve Davis (d); Peter McHugh (Violins); Alan Oldfield (Synth Strings) This play-a-long makes everyone sound great - even just playing the melodies - and is the perfect play-a-long with which to record yourself for posterity. Imagine an ancestor someday, 50 years from now: “my great-aunt used to play clarinet and was pretty good. There’s this old recording of her playing with a string section and she was awesome." "Wow. That's really cool. What’s a clarinet?” This is the play-a-long you could bring home to mother! |